FACE AIDS Ride Against AIDS 2010 Blog

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Map of 2010 Route
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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 3: Sierra Nevadas

We expected today to be one of the toughest of the trip, especially it being only our 3rd day on the road. We left Folsom at 7:30 after a nice breakfast and our morning bike routines. We rode for roughly 93 miles today, a good majority of it being uphill (well actually, up mountains). We ended up at 7,000 ft. elevation at our top summit, but had climbed a good deal more than that as there were some downhill slopes mixed in. The day was pretty brutal. It was the first time I questioned a few times what I was doing, but we all worked together and powered through the Sierra Nevadas. In the end, I'm even going to go out on a limb and say the grueling day was well worth the scenery we got to see. It really was astounding, I have never seen anything like it. It was unreal, the pictures don't even come close to giving what we saw justice. It was pretty cold up in the mountains though, and at one point we had snow next to us!

Shane and I were biking buddies today, Sanford and Jason paired up, and Claire and Zane rode together. It's so nice to have someone else next to you giving it their all.

We also finally had a day without any popped tires or bike problems!!! It saved so much time on the road.

The roadkill out there today was snakes, but Sanford and I suddenly realized not all of them were dead as a decent sized serpent slithered by as we were clipping back in. That was a shock. Even though I'm a reptile fan usually, when a snake that big is actually next to you and not in a zoo, it's kinda startling.

We finally got to South Lake Tahoe around 7 pm, which was actually a lot earlier than we had expected. And once again, we lucked out with housing thanks to our hosts last night.

Another big thanks goes to Mr. Tom Parisi of the Batavia Sun Newspaper. He wrote an amazing article about the ride and will be doing another piece at the halfway point to update Batavia and other followers on our progress.


  1. I love blog Kirsten! (not to pick favorites but i enjoy it more-so than the other one) On another note, I love all of the coverage you have gotten, the last article was great and its really nice to see how many people are invested in this issue. keep crushin' those mountains and enjoy route 50!

  2. Haha, thanks Dave. My mom enjoys reading both since they are super different but about the same things. We'll keep crushing mountains and I think we all enjoyed Route 50, especially the downhill today!


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