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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day 53: Exploring D.C.

Today was jam packed. I'm glad we have extra days to explore D.C. One day certainly would not have been enough. I hardly scratched the surface of the attractions - especially with the crazy weather ranging from a heat advisory to a torrential downpour.

First I saw The White House (front and back sides), along with The Department of Treasury building. Then the day already required a cold treat from one of the multiple snack vans. Headed up to the Washington Monument and onto the Capitol Building. We managed to get a tour of the Capitol, which was pretty sweet. Tons of stuff inside, from paintings to sculptures to old senators' desks.

While wandering from place to place, I also ran into a bunch of other buildings and sites, including a bunch of the Smithsonian Museums, The National Archives, The Navy Memorial, and The Taft Memorial.

After waiting out the storm with a nap, I decided rain or shine, I was going to get a cupcake at Georgetown Cupcakes. So I put on my raincoat and started the 2 mile hike. It was definitely worth it. It only (only) took 25 minutes to get through the line and eat my treat. Very nice. Chocolate Birthday Cake. SO GOOD.
Then I wandered around Georgetown a bit and met up with some IWU friends, Amanda and Pat, who recently moved to the D.C. area.

Another great checkpoint along the way. On a completely random note, I thought this squirrel was stuck in the tree, but a minute later he came scurrying out.

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